About Cate
Cate Crombie Bachelor Adult and Vocational Education
CNVC Certified Trainer
NVC Trainer Assessor
Effectiveness Training Instructor
Cate has been a facilitator of communication courses for over 30 years. Her workshops, courses and training is offered in a variety of settings:
from corporate training, parenting workshops in community centres, university, to in-service training in the social services sector.
As the mother of three young adult women and one gorgeous grandson, with whom she has close connected relationships, Cate enjoys opportunities to work with her daughters assisting in her workshops.
Since 2000, Cate has been learning and practising Nonviolent Communication skills in both her personal and professional life, as she is committed to fully living the process. Being inspired to share this powerful yet natural model with others, Cate is a Centre for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) certified trainer and assessor of Compassionate or Nonviolent Communication.
Working in a gentle and empowered experiential style, Cate invites participants to work with examples from their own lives. Her workshops and private work involve a balance of support as well as challenge that people say they find both stimulating and enjoyable!
Voicemail: 07 3300 6581
Email: cate.crombie@gmail.com
Note from Cate: I receive more emails from people with questions about NVC and Effectiveness Training than I can track. Before you email me please check the following websites www.cnvc.org, www.nonviolentcommunication.com, www.nvcaustralia.com for NVC, and for Effectiveness Training www.etia.org or www.gordontraining.com to see if your query is answered there. Also, given the number of emails I receive, unfortunately I am often unable to respond as promptly as I would like. If it is important for you to make contact, please do not hesitate to send a second email.